Keystone Girls State

Dress pants, skirts, or business casual outfits and appropriate shoes for business events and other special activities. Clothing suitable for hot summer weather and sufficient for 7 days. Clothes hangers, iron or steamer. Comfortable shoes. OPTIONAL: exercise clothes and appropriate shoes.
Water / Snacks
Reusable water bottle, case of water, snacks
Campaign Materials
Note taking materials: pens, paper/notebook, highlighters, sticky notes, etc. Campaign materials and essentials: blank poster board, construction paper, markers, coloring pencils, paint, ruler, etc.
Quotation books or other resources for speech writing.
OTC Medication
Over the counter medications and any prescription medication you are required to take regularly.
Toiletries: hand soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, toothpaste, razor, sunscreen, feminine hygiene products, hair products, blow dryer, etc.
Bedding: pillow, pillow case, twin XL sheets or sleeping bag, blanket. Bathroom: towels, wash cloth, hand towel, floor mat, shower shoes, air freshener.